


2009 年 3 月 4 日,星期三

Okular 0.8.1 已發布

The first maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.1. It includes some crash fixes in the CHM and DjVu backends, and minor fixes in the user interface. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2to4_2_1.php
2009 年 1 月 27 日,星期二

Okular 0.8 已發布

The Okular team is proud to announce a new version of Okular, released as part of KDE 4.2. Some of the new features and improvements include (in random order): Add a Document Archiving possibility Start a search from the current page Preliminar support for videos in PDF documents Presentation mode improvements: screen saver inhibition, and black screen mode More stamp annotations Support for Lilypond's "point-and-click" links Editor configuration for inverse search Export to OpenDocument Text and HTML for ODT, Fictionbook and EPub backends (requires Qt 4.5) New backend for G3/G4 fax documents DjVu backend: memory management improvements OpenDocument Text backend: various improvements ... other small features and fixes And, of course, many bugs were fixed. 閱讀更多
2008 年 11 月 4 日,星期二

Okular 0.7.3 已發布

The third maintenance release of the KDE 4.1 series includes Okular 0.7.3. It includes some minor fixes in the user interface and in the text search. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1_2to4_1_3.php
2008 年 10 月 3 日,星期五

Okular 0.7.2 已發布

The second maintenance release of the KDE 4.1 series includes Okular 0.7.2. It includes some minor fixes in the TIFF and Comicbook backends and the change to "Fit Width" as default zoom level. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1_1to4_1_2.php
2008 年 9 月 3 日,星期三

Okular 0.7.1 已發布

The first maintenance release of the KDE 4.1 series includes Okular 0.7.1. It includes some crash fixes among other minor fixes. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1to4_1_1.php
2008 年 7 月 29 日,星期二

Okular 0.7 已發布

The Okular team is proud to announce a new version of Okular, released as part of KDE 4.1. Some of the new features and improvements include (in random order): Possibility to save a PDF document with the changes to the form fields Presentation mode: support for more than one screen, and possibility to disable transitions 縮放等級現在為各個文件儲存 改善文字轉語音支援,可以用來讀出整個文件、某個頁面或是所選文字 反方向文字搜尋 改善表單的支援 對 PDF 文件中的 JavaScript 現在有基礎(真的非常基礎且大概不完全)支援 支援附加檔案的註記 Possibility to remove the white border of pages when viewing pages EPub 文件用的新後端 OpenDocument 文字文件後端:支援加密文件,清單與表格的改善 XPS 後端:許多載入與算繪的改善,現在應該更能用了 PS 後端:許多改善,主要是源自於要求較新的 libspectre
2008 年 4 月 2 日,星期三

Okular 0.6.3 已發布

The third maintenance release of the KDE 4.0 series includes Okular 0.6.3. It includes few bug fixes, i.e. a better way to get the text position in a PDF document, and a couple of fixes for the annotation system, and the table of contents. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_2to4_0_3.php
2008 年 3 月 5 日,星期三

Okular 0.6.2 已發布

The second maintenance release of the KDE 4.0 series includes Okular 0.6.2. It includes quite a few bug fixes, including more stability when closing a document, and small fixes for the bookmark system. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_1to4_0_2.php
2008 年 2 月 5 日,星期二

Okular 0.6.1 已發布

The first maintenance release of the KDE 4.0 series includes Okular 0.6.1. It includes quite a few bug fixes, including better not redownloading files when saving, usability improvements, etc. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0to4_0_1.php
2007 年 7 月 10 日,星期二

aKademy 2007 Okular 簡報內容上線

The Okular talk given by Pino Toscano at aKademy 2007 is now online. There are both slides and video available.