


Okular 讓您跨平台閱讀 PDF 文件、漫畫書、EPub 電子書、瀏覽影像、視覺檢視 Markdown 文件等等,且提供許多功能。

Okular 的螢幕截圖
繪圖來自 David Revoy CC-BY-SA-4.0


2024 年 12 月 12 日,星期四

Okular 24.12 released

The 24.12 version of Okular has been released. This release includes several improvements in PDF form handling and Signature Creation as well as various other minor fixes and feature enhancements. You can check the full changelog at https://kde.org/announcements/changelogs/gear/24.12.0/#okular.
2024 年 8 月 22 日,星期四

Okular 24.08 released

The 24.08 version of Okular has been released. This release includes several improvements in PDF form handling and various other minor fixes and feature enhancements. You can check the full changelog at https://kde.org/announcements/changelogs/gear/24.08.0/#okular.
2024 年 5 月 23 日,星期四

Okular 24.05 released

The 24.05 version of Okular has been released. You can check the full changelog at https://kde.org/announcements/changelogs/gear/24.05.0/#okular. Okular 24.05 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular.
2024 年 2 月 28 日,星期三

Okular 24.02 released

The 24.02 version of Okular has been released. You can check the full changelog at https://kde.org/announcements/changelogs/gear/24.02.0/#okular. Okular 24.02 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular.
📢 檢視所有開發相關的新消息


Okular 支援很多格式,包含文件的 PDF、EPub、EjVU 與 Markdown,影像的 JPEG、PNG、GIF、TIFF 與 WebP,漫畫書的 CBR 與 CBZ,以及其他格式。


來嘗試 Okular 吧!



Okular 有許多功能來幫助您管理您的文件。

A screenshot from Okular showing its annotation mode.

為您的 PDF 加上註記

利用 Okular 的「註記模式」,您可以輕易加入文內與彈出式備註、在文字上使用螢光筆或加上底線,或甚至加入您自己的文字。


利用 Okular 的「選取模式」,您可以從文件複製幾乎任何東西到他處。當您要閱讀的文字太小的時候,有「放大鏡模式」可供使用。

Okular's 'Selection mode', with text, area and table selection options.
Okular's 'Text Magnifier' feature.
Okular's 'Content panel' auto renders a table of contents for a document.
Okular's 'Thumbnails panel' shows a thumbnail for each page of a document.


瀏覽您的內容非常簡單。利用 Okular 的「縮圖面板」,您可以快速瀏覽文件中您要找的部分。利用「內容面板」,您也可以在有支援的文件裡跳到您在找的章節。

First-class Signature Support

You can view and verify digital signatures embedded in PDFs, check if they are still valid, and detect any modifications since the moment the document was signed. You can even sign PDFs yourself!

在展示一個已簽署的 PDF 的 Okular。


Okular 以 GPLv2+ 授權條款釋出,完全是自由軟體。Okular 的原始碼可以到 Okular 在 KDE 的 GitLab 實體上的版本庫取得,其中也包含如何貢獻的說明。Okular 也完全守護您的隱私,全部詳情請見 KDE 軟體隱私權政策

Logo for the PDF freedom initiative

Resource and Energy-Efficient Software

Okular is the very first software product to receive the Blue Angel ecolabel for being resource and energy efficient. Click on the label to find out more.

Blue Angel ecolabel, awarded by the German government to Okular for being energy efficient, saving resources, and providing transparent interfaces.