Asteazkena, 2008(e)ko apirilak 2
Okular 0.6.3 kaleratu da
The third maintenance release of the KDE 4.0 series includes Okular 0.6.3. It includes few bug fixes, i.e. a better way to get the text position in a PDF document, and a couple of fixes for the annotation system, and the table of contents. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_2to4_0_3.php
Asteazkena, 2008(e)ko martxoak 5
Okular 0.6.2 kaleratu da
The second maintenance release of the KDE 4.0 series includes Okular 0.6.2. It includes quite a few bug fixes, including more stability when closing a document, and small fixes for the bookmark system. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_1to4_0_2.php
Asteartea, 2008(e)ko otsailak 5
Okular 0.6.1 kaleratu da
The first maintenance release of the KDE 4.0 series includes Okular 0.6.1. It includes quite a few bug fixes, including better not redownloading files when saving, usability improvements, etc. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0to4_0_1.php
Asteartea, 2007(e)ko uztailak 10
aKademy 2007ko Okularren aurkezpen materiala lerroan
Pino Toscano-k aKademy 2007n emaniko hitzaldia, orain, lerroan dago. Biak erabilgarri daude, diapositibak eta bideoa.
Asteazkena, 2007(e)ko apirilak 4
Okular kdegraphics-en
Okularrek harrotasunez iragartzen du, Okular orain, kdegraphics moduluaren zatia dela. Okularren hurrengo bertsioa KDE 4.0rekin batera bidaliko da.
Asteazkena, 2007(e)ko urtarrilak 31
Okular «The Season of Usability» proiektura elkartu da
The Okular team is proud to announce Okular has been one of the applications selected to participate in the Season of Usability project, run by usability experts at OpenUsability. From here we want to welcome Sharad Baliyan to the team and thank Florian Graessle and Pino Toscano for their continued work on improving Okular.
Osteguna, 2006(e)ko azaroak 2
Okular 0.5.81 argazki ezegonkorra kaleratu da
The Okular team is proud to announce the release of a snapshot of Okular that compiles against the Second KDE 4 Developers Snapshot. This snapshot is not completely functional, yet, as we have lots of things to polish and finish, but you are free to test it and provide as much feedback as you want. You can find the snapshot package at ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.81.tar.bz2. Have a look at the download page to be sure you have all the necessary libraries.
Irakurri gehiago
Igandea, 2006(e)ko abuztuak 27
Okular 0.5 argazki ezegonkorra kaleratu da
The Okular team is proud to announce the release of a snapshot of Okular that compiles against the KDE 4 'Krash' snapshot. This snapshot is still not completely functional as we have lots of things to polish and finish but you are free to test it and provide as much feedback as you want. You can find the snapshot package at ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.tar.bz2. Have a look at the download page to be sure you have all the necessary libraries.
Irakurri gehiago