Jauzi edukira



Osteguna, 2017(e)ko abenduak 14

Okular 1.3 kaleratu da

The 1.3 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 17.12 release. This release introduces changes to how saving annotations and form data works, supports partial rendering updates for files that take long time to render, makes text links interactive on text selection mode, adds a Share option in the File menu, adds Markdown support and fixes some issues regarding HiDPI support. You can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=17.12.0#okular. Okular 1.3 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular. Irakurri gehiago
Osteguna, 2017(e)ko abuztuak 17

Okular 1.2 kaleratu da

The 1.2 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 17.08 release. This release introduces minor bugfixes and improvements. You can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=17.08.0#okular. Okular 1.2 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular.
Osteguna, 2017(e)ko apirilak 20

Okular 1.1 kaleratu da

The 1.1 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 17.04 release. This release introduces annotation resize functionality, support for automatic calculation of form contents, touch screen improvements and more! You can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=17.04.0#okular. Okular 1.1 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular.
Osteguna, 2016(e)ko abenduak 15

Okular 1.0 kaleratu da

The 1.0 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 16.12 release. This release is now based in KDE Frameworks 5, you can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=16.12.0#okular. Okular 1.0 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular.
Osteguna, 2016(e)ko abuztuak 18

Okular 0.26 kaleratu da

The 0.26 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 16.08 release. This release introduces very small changes, you can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=16.08.0#okular. Okular 0.26 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular.
Asteazkena, 2015(e)ko abenduak 16

Okular 0.24 kaleratu da

The 0.24 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 15.12 release. This release introduces minor bugfixes and features, you can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications-15.12.0.php#okular. Okular 0.24 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular.
Asteazkena, 2015(e)ko abuztuak 19

Okular 0.23 kaleratu da

The 0.23 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 15.08 release. This release introduces support for the Fade transition in presentation mode as well as some fixes regarding annotations and video playback. Okular 0.23 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular.
Asteazkena, 2015(e)ko apirilak 15

Okular 0.22 kaleratu da

The 0.22 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 15.04 release. Okular 0.22 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular.
Asteazkena, 2014(e)ko abenduak 17

Okular 0.21 kaleratu da

The 0.21 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 14.12 release. This release introduces new features like latex-synctex reverse searching in dvi and small bugfixes. Okular 0.21 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular.
Asteazkena, 2014(e)ko apirilak 16

Okular 0.19 kaleratu da

The 0.19 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.13 release. This release introduces new features like tabs support in the interface, use of DPI screen so that page size matches real paper size, improvements to the Undo/Redo framework and other features/refinements. Okular 0.19 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular.