Nola da jasangarria Okular?
Blue Angel ziurtagiria du energia erabileraren gardentasunagatik, hardwarearen eragiketa bizitza luzeagoagatik, eta erabiltzaileen askatasunengatik.
Energiarekiko eraginkorra
Softwarearen eraginkortasunak, azpiegitura digitalaren energia eskaerak eta ustiapen-bizitza finkatzen ditu.
Gardentasuna eta autonomia
Software askeko lizentzia batek, hardwarea, modu eraginkorrean, epe luzean, eta jasangarrian erabiltzeko aukera ematen du.
Etika eta pribatutasuna
Lau askatasunak funtsezkoak dira digitalizazio inklusibo, bidezko, eta ekologikoki jasangarri baterako.
Domina Ongycon-ek, Lanpara Berdea Stefania Servidio-k, Erabiltzailea Guru-k, Etika Noun proiektuko (CC BY 3.0) Ruben Hojo-k
Okular harro dago 2022an mundu osoan Blue Angel zigilua jaso zuen ordenagailurako lehen programa izateaz. 1978an aurkeztua, Blue Angel da mundu osoan inoiz izan den lehen ekolabela eta Alemaniako gobernuaren ingurumen etiketa ofiziala. 2020an, Alemaniako Ingurumen Agentziak (Umweltbundesamt) mahaigaineko softwarearen sarien irizpideak kaleratu zituen hiru kategoria nagusirekin: (A) Baliabide eta Energia eraginkortasuna, (B) Hardwarearen eragiketa bizitza potentziala, eta (C) Erabiltzaileen autonomia. Irizpide horiek betetzen dituztela frogatzen duten software- produktuek hardwarea epe luzeagoan eta modu eraginkorragoan erabiltzeko aukera ematen dute.
Gehiago jakin nahi duzu? Begiratu KDE Eco eskuliburua "Applying the Blue Angel Criteria To Free Software".
Energiarekiko eraginkorra
Download the most recent reports for Okular's Idle Mode and Standard Usage Scenario energy consumption measurements. Software design and implementation have a significant impact on the energy consumption of the systems it is a part of. By becoming aware of how software affects energy consumption and providing tools to quantify them, it is possible to drive down energy consumption and increase efficiency. This contributes to a more sustainable use of energy as one of the shared resources of our planet.
Learn more about KDE's work on energy efficiency and sustainable software at the KDE Eco website.

Gardentasuna eta autonomia
KDE wants to put you in the driver's seat with all of its software, including Okular. Okular is available under a Free Software license, and the source code is readily available at Okular's repository. With Okular's data format documentation, you will never again be subject to vendor lock in from proprietary formats. Moreover, enhancing Okular's functionality is possible with its API Documentation. Install and uninstall instructions are available to make sure users are not burdened by unwanted software components on their machines. And for those who want long-term support for their favorite software, Okular's full list of release announcements ǵoes all the way back to 2006 and will continue well into the future.
By guaranteeing transparency and autonomy, developers and users can ensure that their software reduces environmental harm in more ways than one, whether by keeping devices in use for longer, or by reducing the software’s use of energy and resources while in use.
Etika eta pribatutasuna
Being Free & Open Source Software, Okular's source code is available for all to use, study, share, improve, and most of all, enjoy. KDE software will always be available to all without being restricted to materially, educationally, or socially privileged people. KDE's Code of Conduct provides guidelines to support everyone in the community for a positive and inspiring atmosphere. This is necessary for software development that meets all its users' needs, wherever they are, on whatever device they own -- and not just ones vendors want to sell.
KDE envisions a "world in which everyone has control over their digital life and enjoys freedom and privacy." Freedom from unethical practices such as unwanted data collection and tracking or psychological targeting is not only good for society, but it also reduces the carbon footprint of digital technology. A default opt out for ads and telemetry decreases energy demands on both end-user devices and servers running the ads or mining the data, and it reduces the energy needed for network traffic. KDE's Privacy Policy ensures that its software does not collect any information from users except when users actively and explicitly opt in to it!
KDE is software for you, by you!

Software jasangarriari buruz gehiago ikasi nahi duzu?
KDEren helburua, softwarearen ingurumen eragina murrizten duen softwarea hornitzea da. Egin ditzagun energia eraginkortasuna eta jasangarritasun digitala Software Aske komunitatearen zati. Dugun erantzukizunaren mailan bizi gaitezke, belaunaldi honetarako eta etorkizunekoetarako!
Engaia zaitez!Okularren jasangarritasunerako ibilbidea
2022an Okularri Software diseinu jasangarriagatik Blue Angel eko-labelarekin saritu zuten, Eko-labelen Sare Globalean eko-ziurtatutako lehenengo ordenagailu programa bihurtu zelarik.

With KDE’s long-standing mission and guiding vision since its founding in 1996, as well as the talent and capabilities of its community members, KDE is a pioneer in championing sustainable software. In 2021 KDE started KDE Eco, a project with the goal of putting KDE and Free Software at the forefront of sustainable software engineering, and in 2022 the KDE community voted to have Sustainable Software as one of its overarching goals.
Sustainability is not new for Free & Open Source Software (FOSS)—the four freedoms have always made Free Software sustainable software. But now, the two pillars of FOSS—transparency and user autonomy—have wider recognition for their impacts on sustainability, and were incorporated into the sustainability criteria set by the German Environment Agency through the Blue Angel ecolabel.
Software aske eta sorburu irekikoak gardentasuna bermatzen du eta agintea erabiltzaileei ematen die, haiek saltzaile edo zerbitzu hornitzaile jakin batzuekin lan egitera behartu ordez. Horri esker, erabiltzaileek erabiltzen duten softwaretik zer nahi duten erabakitzeko aukera dute, eta, era berean, erabiltzen duten hardwareari buruz ere. Erabiltzaileek haien programen energia kontsumoa murriztu dezakete funtziotan murrizketa txikiarekin edo murrizketarik gabe, behar dutena bakarrik instalatuz, ez gehiago, ez gutxiago; gailuan eta sarean baliabide gehiago kontsumitzen dituzten, atzeko planoko prozesuak ibiltzen dituzten iragarki gogaikarri edo datu-meatzaritza aukerak saihestu ditzakete. FOSSen garatzaileei dagokienez, oro har, industriak zaharkitu bihurtu nahiko lukeen hardwareari euskarria ematen jarraitzen dute, erabiltzaileei software eguneratu eta segurua emanez, bestela hondakin elektroniko gisa baztertu eta zabortegiak kutsatuko lituzketen gailuetarako.