Okular is available as a precompiled package in a wide range of platforms. You can check the package status for your Linux distro on the right or keep reading for info on other operating systems
![]() | Linux |
Okular is already available on majority of Linux distributions. It can be installed directly from Discover, GNOME Software or your distribution’s software store. | |
Release Sources | |
Okular is released regularly as part of KDE Gear. You can find Okular latest stable release among the tarballs from the latest KDE Gear release. If you want to build Okular from sources, we recommend checking our Getting Involved page which contains links to full guide how to compile Okular. | |
![]() | Flatpak |
You can install the latest Okular flatpak from Flathub. Experimental flatpaks with nightly builds of Okular can be installed from the KDE Flatpak repository. | |
Windows | |
The Microsoft Store is the recommended place to install Okular, the version there has been tested by our developers and the Microsoft Store provides seamless updates when new versions are released. |
We are also offering untested nightly builds for the following platforms:
To install Okular, follow the instructions of the platform you are using for how to install software. Most platforms have a graphical installer which can be used to install software packages. In many cases it will automatically be opened when clicking the download or install link for your platform. There is a generic tutorial for installing KDE applications which also can be applied to Okular.
If you are using Linux, Okular might already be pre-installed on your system as part of a default selection. If not, you can install it with the package management tool of your Linux distribution. See its documentation for details.
In many cases you will have the opportunity to install Okular in a modular way, so you can decide to install support for specific formats separately or install translations for the user interface. Choose the modules according to your needs and preferences.
To uninstall Okular, follow the instructions of the package management tool you have used to install Okular. This will remove the Okular application. It will not touch data you have viewed, created, or modified with Okular.